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Screenwriter David Self has been hired by Universal, to adapt/executive produce "Sub-Mariner" for Marvel Studios producer Avi Arad and Kevin Misher's Misher Films.
Created by Bill Everett in 1939, Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner is Marvel's first super hero character. He carried his own successful comic book series for 42 issues, as well as numerous guest star appearances in other titles throughout the 1940's.
Namor was re-introduced to a new Marvel generation in the 1960's, appearing in Marvel's "Fantastic Four" # 4, Marvel's "Tales To Astonish" (approx. 30 issues), his own title (approx. 70 issues) and again (approx. 50 more issues) for another series.
Namor is a mutant hybrid of Homo Sapiens and Homo Mermanus. He is the son of Leonard McKenzie, Captain of a U.S. Ice Breaker, and Princess Fen of the Royal House of Atlantis. Namor McKenzie (also known as "Sub-Mariner") is endowed with incredible strength and endurance, telepathic power over undersea creatures, the ability to breathe both in and out of water, and the power of flight, via small wings on his ankles. He fought valiantly with the Allies in both the Atlantic and Pacific during World War II. He has been King of Atlantis at times and the C.E.O. of Oracle Inc., also exiled from his undersea homeland as a traitor and criminal. His relatives included Dorma (wife, deceased), Marrina (wife, deceased), Namora (cousin, deceased) and Namorita (second cousin, deceased).
Namor has been a member of the "Defenders", "Avengers," "Invaders", "Liberty Legion", and "All-Winners Squad", as well as a team-up ally of "Captain America", the "Human Torch" and the "Fantastic Four".
The soul-searching Namor will either work to help the human race, or rebel against it if betrayed.
