20th Century Fox have lined up Will Smith to star in "I, ROBOT", an adaptation of Issac Asimov's 1940's short story collection, introducing the world to the 'Three Laws Of Robotics' ...
 Will Smith will star in a big screen adaptation of Issac Asimov's "I, ROBOT", directed by Alex "The Crow" Proyas. Shooting begins April 2003.
Asimov's original "I, Robot", was a compilation of 9 pulp stories, published throughout the 1940's, all linked by the common theme of the "Three Laws of Robotics" :
1. A robot may NOT injure a human, or through inaction allow a human to come to harm
2. A robot must obey orders given to it by a human, except where it would conflict with the first law
3. A robot must protect itself, as long as that protection doesn't violate either the first or second law.
Premise of the updated screenplay features a detective investigating a crime that may, or may not have been committed by a robot, even though that would be an impossibility given the three prevailing robotic rules.
"The big idea here is that if the robots have found a way to violate the laws, there is nothing to stop them from taking over, because the human race is so dependent on robots and automation," according to 20th Century Fox film president Hutch Parker.
"I, ROBOT" the screenplay, began as "Hardwired," by Jeff Vintar. When Fox acquired rights to Asimov's "I, Robot", the two stories were 'welded' together.
The current draft is by Akiva "A Beautiful Mind" Goldsman.
