"Dear Sneak Peek :
I just had to write to tell you how impressed I was by the unbelievable fighting skills of actress Victoria Pratt, who plays the mutant 'Shalimar' on the sci-fi TV show "Mutant X". I always thought actresses used stunt-doubles for their fight scenes, so I was NOT prepared for what I saw on the day I was an extra on the series.
The call-sheet said 'Mutant X, Season II, Episode 216 'Under The Cloak Of War' Day 3 of 7.' The location was an interior bar set-up at Toronto's 150-year old Gooderham & Warts distillery.
I was cast as a patron in the 'Mother's Milk Bar'.
For the scene, 'Shalimar' steps into the bar, looks around, saunters up to the bar-tender and innocently asks for a mineral water.
Suddenly a menacing-looking patron slides up behind her and says "I've been waiting for someone like you. And before they find you all broken up in an alley somewhere, you and me are gonna' have a good time."
Shalimar quietly replies : "Really? A good time? Cause for me, a good time is doing stuff like this ..."
Suddenly Shalimar grabs the back of the creep's head and literally bounces it off the bar. Then she says : "You know what else I enjoy?" With lightning speed, she quickly whirls around and kicks the guy across the face, hurling him across the room and into a pile of tables, with beer bottles smashing to the floor.
Suddenly all hell breaks loose as Shalimar is jumped by even MORE creeps ! According to the script-sides, previously handed out to all the background performers by the assistant director in charge, 'Shalimar's eyes blaze with the thrill of the fight as with great skill and ruthlessness she takes each of them out.'
Now I'm a fairly big guy, but to tell you the truth I was REALLY cowering in the corner with the other 'bar patrons' as 'Shalimar' took out all the attackers. The way Victoria continually lunged, punched and kicked, crouching and leaping like a real mutant (!) was one of the most exciting fighting displays I have ever seen in real life.
This gal is no prissy actress, I wanna' tell you. Keep an eye on this lady, brother. She has all the makings of a true martial arts star.
All the Best,
'Pike Bishop'"